Here are the rules:
- Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog
- Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
- Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
- Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I think I'm one of the few people in the world who should probably watch more TV. Seriously. I have a really hard time unwinding at the end of the day. Especially since having the girls, there is always so much to do once they go to bed that I just keep on going nonstop until I go upstairs, read a little and fall asleep. A little downtime on the couch watching the boob would do me good I think.
2. As a direct result of my inability to unwind, I have night terrors. This means that sometimes when I go to bed with a lot on my mind, I will scream bloody murder not long after I fall asleep. I often don't remember or barely remember that it happened when I wake up the next morning, but my husband definitely does!
3. In my pre-kid days I was a pretty avid runner. I've run 3 marathons, including Boston. I miss it and hope I can get back on the horse again some day if my knees hold up.
4. I can raise one eyebrow at a time. Try it: it's not easy. When I was like 10 or 11, I read this book where a girl had magical powers and one of her trademark facial expressions was to raise one eyebrow. I decided to learn how to do it myself.
5. In general, I don't have a great sense of direction but I'm a master at figuring out the backroads to almost any destination. We live in a rural area with a lot of random dirt roads that all connect to one another and I love finding new ways to go places. But if you ask me to tell you how to get there, I can't help you.
6. One of my favorite things to do is spend time outside. Before we had the girls, B and I spent time every summer canoe camping, the more remote the location the better. We've explored a good portion of the Adirondack waterways and also some of the lakes and rivers in Maine. We're so excited to introduce this to the girls and I think I'll freak if they decide they are not "outdoorsey-types"!
7. I worked as a waitress in San Francisco for a few years and at one of the places where I worked, I served a beer to Joe DiMaggio. I had no idea who he was until someone told me, and I'm a New Yorker!
OK, here are the people I'm tagging. I don't frequent enough blogs to tag 7 of them so here are a few to start!
Melissa at Twincredible Twosome
Tracy at The Secret Ingredient
Jill at Castillo Family Blog
1 comment:
It's so fun to learn these things about our cpmom friends. We spend so much time talking and worrying about our kids and don't really get to know each other. We should plan a cpmom getaway. Thanks for playing :)
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