I work at a college with incredible athletic facilities, and lately the girls and I have been taking advantage of them by going to the fieldhouse and using the indoor track. It's often empty or nearly so on weekday mornings, so we bring Hannah's walker and we've also brought the girls' tricycles there, as well as some balls and other toys and we use it as a place to let them get their ya-yas out as well as get some good walking practice for Hannah.
Here are some pics and videos of the girls jumping on the mats, playing soccer with Daddy and running around the track.
In that video, she is barely (if at all!) using the pelvic and side supports on her walker!!!! That's amazing! She looks sooooo good! I remember when Riley got to that point with his walker, and he made huge progress from there! She looks so straight and tall, and really isn't leaning onto the walker much at all. She really, really looks incredible! I just watched the video three times in a row because I am floored by how good she looks!
i agree. she looks so great in her walker! i haven't seen many kids in walkers yet, but the few i have seem much slower and deliberate in their steps. she seems like she's practically running!
All that walking is so good for her!
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