I have been very negligent with my blog ever since our little one arrived. I have an entry that I started weeks ago, in an attempt to write his birth story and share it with everyone. But I never seem to find a minute to finish it. So while that's still in the works, here is the short, short version:
Exactly on his due date (at 12:30am, in fact), our newest member to our family arrived: His name is Sam, he was a whopping 10lbs, 2 oz and 22 inches at birth, and this coming Saturday he will be six weeks old! He was born via c-section after I labored for about 8 hours. More on those details when I finally finish that birth story!
We are all adjusting to life as a family of 5, but one thing is for sure: we've all fallen head over heels in love with this little guy. His birth and everything since then have been such a healing process for us, and one we continue to appreciate with amazement: a full term, big, strapping boy. What a different extreme from the one we experienced with our girls. I have so much that I'm processing about all of that, and hope to share it once I can find a minute to write it down. As you can imagine, spare minutes are hard to come by these days!
But in the meantime, all is well and happy and crazy in our family!